
HaMidori Nima / 刃翠ニマ

A Little More About Me


Hello there! My name is Hamidori Nima or 刃翠ニマ but you can call me Ham/Hami. I am an aspiring illustrator and music producer. I'm really into art and music. In my opinion, my creations aren't that great so I'm trying to improve everyday. I can speak Malay, English, Arabic and Japanese but my mother tongue is Malay and English. More about what I like to do below ^^.


I only upload to archive my music and show my friends my damage in Genshin here but then something happened


As I've said, I want to illustrate in the future. My journey has been really fun as an artist and I want to do it as a side hobby


I haven't taken my meds
Uto is wife
Music is Love,
Music is life.


So it started as something that I can use to share media to my friends (eg. showing damage in genshin) and a place to upload my music.But then I started to get into The Hololive Rabbit Hole and then I started to make remixes of the talent's karaoke streams. It started slow but one video just BLEW UP. Like straight up BOOM. Wait no... I uploaded it and it didn't perform well at first but at around august it blew up and then reached 1 million views after a few monthsSo me, still busy with school did what? Absolutely nothing about it. Why? you ask? To be honest, i actually kind of regretted that but what can you do, it already passed so nothing you can do about it,Now videos aren't getting much attention but I still upload my music there so you can go have a listen! Here's the video that blew up:


Art has been my hobby ever since I was 12 years old and it still is to this day.I started off really bad like any other people and started to get better overtime. I started drawing cartoon characters at first and hated anime because it's "way too detailed". "Why would you want that much detail? especially in the eyes" - younger me not knowing that all art deserves to be appreciated no matter what kind of art it is.Anyways, after that debacle, I got quite good at drawing my favorite characters and then my friend introduced me to anime and then triggered my downfall. I got hooked and now draw anime so basically I have become the very thing i swore to destroyNow I'm still improving but I'm kinda getting interested in Japanese Artists' Anime Illustrations. They just look so good. Well that's basically it


I'm not a serious music producer though since I use a free online Digital Audio Workstation(DAW). Though I've made some great stuff with this sh*tty DAW and it works fine.I mainly like to make Japanese-esque music. Basically J-pop(typical Japanese romantic song), Lo-Fi(Like those V-tubers BGM) and J-rock(Anime intros basically)My music are on my youtube if you want to listen